About me

I am a Senior Researcher of the Machine Learning Group at Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA). I obtained my Ph.D degree from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2021, advised by Prof. Linli Xu and Prof. Enhong Chen. I received my bachelor’s degree in USTC in 2016.

My research interests lie in generative modeling, world model and embodied AI, including generative AI on natural language, video and game. For example, building generative models that can be controlled by natural language, vision, and action signals, which can be utilized to empower world models and embodied AI applications.

I’m always looking for highly motivated interns with good coding and math skills to work with me on machine learning and natural language processing. Feel free to drop me an email if you are interested (an internship period of at least 6 months is preferred). You can contact me through a@b, where a=junliangguo and b=microsoft.com.

I’m an amateur 5-dan Go player.


  • 2016.9 - 2021.11, Ph.D. in Computer Science, USTC
  • 2012.9 - 2016.6, B.E in Computer Science, USTC


  • 2021.12 - Present, Senior Researcher, Machine Learning Group, MSRA
  • 2020.7 - 2021.2, Research Intern, Language Technology Lab, Alibaba DAMO Academy
  • 2018.5 - 2018.9, Research Intern, Machine Learning Group, MSRA


  • Senior PC: IJCAI 2021
  • PC Member: ICML 2021~now, NeurIPS 2020~now, ICLR 2021~now, ACL 2021~2023, AAAI 2020/2021, IJCAI 2020, ECAI 2020


  • 2021, Global Top 100 Chinese Rising Stars in AI
  • 2021, Special Prize of President Scholarship, CAS (中科院院长特别奖)
  • 2020, National Scholarship
  • 2018, MSRA Stars of Tomorrow Internship Award
  • 2016, Excellent Graduation Thesis, USTC
  • 2013/2014, Outstanding Student Scholarship, USTC